We, the 127 members of the graduating class '76 - '77 of Quezon City Science High School, all eligibles, whose ages range from 15-17 years, and alive and kicking, do hereby declare our class will and testament.

    To our Alma Mater, we leave you all our achievements -- our Golden Harvest. May this inspire our small brods and sis to equal if not improve this accomplishment and learn that "There is something in our life which is nobler than fame, and this is the great deed that invokes fame."

    To our Administrators and Mentors, who have taught us that the cuberoot of x3 is x; that co-existence is essential; that frequency is equal to velocity divided by wavelength (   ); that elements contain one kind of atom; and most of all, that values are important, we leave you non-material legacy far greater than tangible things. These are the prayer and thanks that forever we rightfully deserve.

    To the Juniors we bequeth:

  1. the conference table, filing cabinet, bulletin boards and the student annual that the seniors before us have given;
  2. our lockers and student annual that is a direct result of our newspaper drive and pledges;
  3. the Senior's Home - a haven of intellectuals and science-oriented students. It will be your home for the ten months, so take care of it.
  4. our characteristics - This does not however mean that we are actually bequething our talents and abilities But rather it is our desire that the Juniors possess similar characteristics, talents & abilities that we have. Example are Enricio Pia's baby-face to Noel Camacho, Noel Dacuycuy's manner of walking to Erwin Pascual, Edgar Templonuevo's loud voice to Julius Bautista and Marcelo Garbos's complexion to Orlando Orollo. We also possess outstanding qualities in the field of science, manifested by Elmo Martinez's participation in the 1977 National Science Fair. May Josephine Pura be as good as Ezra Elmo Martinez in science research. Being too talented, it is not feasible to mention all the talents that we are "bequething" to the juniors, so we'll just mention a few. Painting is Quintin Estioko's field and he hopes that Erwin Pascual and Lorimer Lara be as talented as he is in it. Some of our good speakers like Lourdes Sadiua, Mitos Barba, Roland Ubando and Athena Gorospe bequeth their abilities in public speaking to Stella Marie Harder and Ruth Miranda. In academics we hope that Marcelo Garbo and Romulo de Jesus' performance in Math be equaled by Allison Traveros; Agnes Brazal and Orlando Cruz academic excellence in Chemistry and Physics respectively by Claudia Puzon and Felino Ramos; Agnes Brazal and Carmelita Gomez' achievements in the field of Communication Arts (Pilipino and English) by Eduardo Loyola and Roland Ubando's performance in Social Studies by Michelle Inocencio. Belen Furigay's character is expected to be equaled by Susan Martinez; Jose Llorca's honesty by Cesar Ramirez; Manuel Aquino's punctuality by Elizabeth de Leon; Rita Aurelio's orderliness by Gina Gavino and Susan Barbosa's industriousness by Cecilia Herrera.
  5. and lastly, we bequeth the responsibility of leading the studentry. The success of the institution, or any institution for that matter largely depends on the kind of leadership that it has. We hope that the juniors can provide this kind of leadership. It is our wish that before leaving this institution, Michelle Inocencio succeeds Melchor Carandang in leading the SCB; that Ma. Joy Gamutan be the next president of the Sciath society; and that the leadership in Banyuhay be transferred from Susan Ramos to Claudia Puzon. And we look forward in seeing that the organizations like the Electron, CAT, and Zone 4 be headed by Stella Marie Harder, Julius Bautista and Michelle Inocencio respectively.

    "To be happy at home is the ultimate result of all ambitions, the ends to which every enterprise and labor tends and of which every desire promptly the prosecution. "We felt happiness in this school- our second home and may you our small brod and sis feel the same.

    Done in the 25th of March in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and seventy-seven.

Roland Ubando