Pictures here are donated by batchmates. So if anyone can scan an old picture, send it to me thru
Does this look familiar to you?
Okay, for the pictures:
Boy Scout Golden Jubilee, Mt Makiling, 1973
- Troop picture of Sea Scouts and Land Scouts. Kinjo, Edison T., Florante, Bong A., Chito, Mulong,
Arnel Lu, Bernard, Noel M., Ruben, Mel, Isachar Paler, Roland U, Rico Pia, Aris, Ado. (Edison, Arnel, and
Isachar finished their high school elsewhere). Peek
- Beside the tent: Mulong, Roy, Rico, Moises Peek
- The camp grounds: Moises' brother, Rico, Moises, Mulong, Roy Peek
Bay Area Regional Jamborette, Tagaytay
- With Mr Antonio (Agaton) and some of the local kids. Kinjo, Noel, Ezra, Alfred, Agaton,
Chito, Omar, Ado, Mel. Peek
- Waiting for a ride home. Ezra, Mel, Roy, and two lower batch alumni. Peek
- With other troops. Ezra, Alfred, Kinjo, Omar, Neill, Kiko, Willie, Noel, Ado, Johnny. Peek
- Kinjo with some chicks. Peek
- Taal View. Noel, Kinjo, Alfred, Ado, Elmo, Mel. Peek
Visit to the National Science Fair, Sta Cruz, Laguna
- Bernadette G, Marissa E., Ferdie, and lower batch co-alumni (one of whom is Kiko's sister) Peek
- The girls just off the bus (or waiting for a ride home). Rita R, Bernadette C., Sheila, Lilibeth, someone's back,
Helen B., Lucille, Daisy, MariAnn M., Janet O., Linabelle (sorry, I can't recognize the others) Peek
In School
- Edison IV class picture.
- Curie III class picture.
Seated: Ado, Bobbie, Noel D., Lily, Florante, Mrs Castro, Chito, Rita A., Emel, Efren
Middle Row: Agnes B., Millet, Susan R., Agnes V., Belen, MariAnn M., Cynthia P., Lucille, Athena, Sylvia, Grace A., Mayrose
Last Row: Andre, Luis, Dindo, Jaime, Omar, Kinjo, Roland, Francisco P., Mulong, Bong A., Jonathan, Mel
- Darwin III class picture.
Seated: Desz, Debbie, Ophie C., Elmo, Mrs Agarap, Mrs Reyes (+), Cynthia N., Chinky, Luz, Resie
Middle Row: Ruben, Imelda E., Grace V., Linabelle, Marilou N., Lourdes F., Lilybeth, AnaMarie, Jocelyn, Mitos, Chito
Last Row: Alfred, Tonjet, Vic, Edgar, Edwin, Joseph, Rico, Jose L., Teddy, Romy E.
- Another Darwin III class picture.
- Darwin II class picture.
- Edison II class picture.
- United Nations Day. National Costumes of some countries. (Now, I'm in trouble. I can't recognize some faces) I see Millet,
Belen, Ofelia M., Agnes V., Rita R., MariAnn M., Peek
- The Darwin IV girls during a homeroom party. Peek
- The Darwin IV boys in the same party. Peek
- The Edison IV boys and girls in their free time. Peek
- Kiko, Neill, and Edwin. Peek
- Volleyball Team I: Mayrose, Susan B., Grace A., Chinky, Marissa, MaryAnn M., Daisy, Ophie C.Peek
- Volleyball Team II. Peek
- Gabby and Tonjet by the big aloe vera plant. Peek
- Toto, Alfred, Andre, Mike, Joey L, Francis P. Peek
- Macho boys Florante and Toto. Peek
- Florante, Noel M, Toto. Peek
- Florante and Noel M. Peek
- The boys by the "new" building. Peek
- The boys inside the guardhouse. Peek
First Major Class Reunion
- This picture was taken in 1984 at Merlu Sadiua's place. It was submitted by Dr Vic Corpuz. Anyone who identifies every one here will be given a reward whenever I can come home. Peek