On this page, late-breaking news, bulettins, announcements, reunion details, etc will be published. Batchmates
can even advertise here. (Arranged according to date, descending).
- The pages of The Electron published before our graduation from QCSHS in 1977 are here! Reminisce those days by clicking here.
- The 34rd Foundation Anniversary of QCSHS was kicked off with batch 1976 celebrating their silver anniversary as the host of the festivities.
It was also in this date wherein the torch was handed to our batch meaning that next year, it will be our silver anniversary and we will host
the Foundation Anniversary. Elmo Martinez was there to accept the symbolic key to hosting the event next year. Also present during the festivities
were batchmates Moises Aleta, Roehl Calinisan, Rico Pagulayan, Lily Jumaquio-Gaurano, and the always invisible, Mike Marqueda. Elmo told us there were 5 of them who attended
the festivities. So you are still not counting Mike, the invisible?
- It has been suggested that our batch will sponsor the prizes for math and science fairs/quizzes for at least 10 years. It is not yet clear
if we are just going to sponsor just the first prize of P2,500 or other prizes as well.
- The 32nd Foundation Anniversary of QCSHS will be kicked off on Thursday, September 16, 1999, booths and all.
Alumni Day will be celebrated on Saturday, September 18, 1999 culminating in a dinner party later at night. Dinner is
P300 per head and don't forget to pay an alumni annual membership fee of P100.
- The Batch 77 Family Day was held on May 22, 1999. According to Elmo, there were less people who attended but there
were more new faces in the crowd. Among those who attended were (girls first and in no particular order): Susan Barbosa-Gaffud,
Maan Baldovino-Maglaoy, Marilou Nario-Guiang, Emel Ramos-Duque, Lily Jumaquio-Gaurano (the caterer), Agnes Brazal, Bobbie Mortel-Fuerte
(she decided to go to protect Desz. from whom?), Marilou Fuerte-Cariņo (another one to protect Desz), Bong Tapang-Nacario,
Helen Bautista-Ahmad, Jeanette Orillosa-Venturanza, Marissa Mendoza, and Mary Ann Mangaser. Pastor Elmo Martinez,
Atty. Willy Martinez (of course, it's his house), LtCol Omar Garbo, Dr Tonjet Herradura, Desz Fuerte,
Kinjo Estioko, Johnny Ramos, Manny Rapadas, Andre Lapus, Romy Ecraela, and Rico Pagulayan.
Click here for pictures.
- On May 22, 1999, the batch will have a mini-reunion. Place is Willy Martinez's place. Time, well, not really sure,
but what we know is that it will be in the afternoon. For obvious reasons, I cannot place the address here. All
of you (batch mates) with internet access should have received the address and directions to his place. Bring your
kids along and bring their swimwear too. It's nice to have a batch mate who has a pool in his house. We don't need
to go to the beach to have a reunion.
- Congratulations to the daughter of Ezra Elmo Martinez for passing the entrance exams at QCSHS. If she decides
to go there, they will probably be the first father-daughter team to be in Scientia.
- Mr. Madriaga, Mr. Antonio, and Mrs Lomibao are still teaching there. So if you ever have a chance to visit our Alma Mater,
then you know where to go. Also, another alumnus (two batches lower), Jose Ramon Lorenzo, of the IQ7 fame, is
currently teaching there.
- When Elmo visited the school with his daughter, he noticed a need for the following: computers (who doesn't need one?),
beds or cots for the school clinic, and probably stretchers and first-aid kits too. So if anyone has a surplus on these items,
consider donating them to our Alma Mater.
- Well, we did have a mini-reunion on January 8, 1999 in Makati. We are also honored to have two of our
former mentors on hand to witness the reunion. We take our hats off to Atty. Jake Telan and Mrs.
Dorothy Castro. (For the sake of those who might have forgotten them, Jake taught us Social Studies until
he "took the law in his own hand" and became a lawyer and Dorothy taught Biology). To know who attended the reunion, take a look
at the pictures.