This is the home page of the Batch of 1977, Quezon City Science High School.

WHEW!!! That was quick. We had our 25th celebrations in the campus grounds and in Bally's Hotel in Las Vegas. And it FUN! Imagine seeing friends after 25 years. It was an amazing experience that no amount of money can buy.

Of course, we took pictures and our counterparts in Quezon City took pictures too. So I guess you might want to see those pictures, right? Well, here they are: By the way, just for those who weren't able to attend the celebration, we have here the two messages from our classmates: Last Saturday, we celebrated our Silver Anniversary reunion! One celebration was in Quezon City, inside the campus of our alma mater 25 years ago, where we will play hosts to other alumni batches. Another celebration was in another side of the world in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA where batchmates residing in North America will be meeting.

To refresh us with what we have accomplished throughout those 25 long years, we have compiled articles which will help us reminisce those glory days:

Our Silver Anniversary celebration is slated to be held on September 7, 2002 at the school grounds. We ask everyone who can read this website to spread the word to every possible classmate or batchmate we can think of. This is an important milestone for us. Imagine 25 years ago, we left the campus to be on our own. Now, let us give back. Attend the celebration!

This site would like to commend some of our batchmates who are making sure that the celebration will push through. We would like to thank Desz and Bobbie Fuerte, Elmo Martinez, Mike Marqueda, Vic Corpuz, Resie Palines, Manny Rapadas, Emel Ramos, Rico Pagulayan, Lily Jumaquio, Edgar Templonuevo, Bong Tapang, Roehl Calinisan, and Sis. Anamarie Fondevilla. Thank you guys! They are doing thankless jobs in different committees and sub-committees in coordinating with the QCSHS Alumni Association. Please look at the minutes to find out what they are doing for the rest of us. (You may also want to take a peek of what to eat for the celebration c/o Mike Marqueda). And for those who are in the vicinity of our school, please help them in any way you can.

At almost the same time in another part of the world, batchmates from US of A are also holding their own reunion in Las Vegas, Nevada.

New pictures are in!!! You just have to discover where it is. So just keep on clicking on the links.

The scrap book contents and the pages of the Electron 1977 issue are all done. Click on the link to read everything you might not want others to read. But it is guaranteed that you will have a good laugh after reading those written in our scrap book (which unfortunately was published after everyone was in our summer vacation already).

And for a trip down memory lane, take a look at the link called 'Those were the days' (look further down). You might find yourself there and have a good laugh!

Stay tuned for more updates by clicking on news and bulletins! In the meantime, you can click on the links to know more about the batch.

For those who might happen to read this, we have an e-mail ring going around. This may be a good way to communicate with each other. Send an email.

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