- Efren Aganon... ASO. They once call him 'As you were' because that is what he usually shouts,
with a bit of head motion, at the boy scouts during their drill. Later on, this was shortened to
aso. Motto: the life of man is dependent upon the forces of nature that governs his. (note: he once
boasted of being a martial arts student and a black belter at that. But when he and Elmo went home,
that skill wasn't put in use when three bullies from the neighboring school asked them for 'kikil'
money... piso lang naman' at the corner of EDSA and sciencia road).
- Bernard Aligo... APLA. He blushes deep-red whenever he'd joked. From red or pula, he became apla.
He says: RACHADA!
- Manuel Aquino... CARDING. It seems there's a rumor that Carding of the Reycard duet is studying
in our school. We deny it! It is his twin brother, flashing the same enigmatic smile. Motto: man should
remember the past, study the present, and foresee the future.
- Marlon Bernardino... X MAN. He is fond of doing ex-tra ordinary things. Motto: relax! He says:
it is not always good to be suspicious. Sometimes this attitude shows immaturity and insecurity. If
you dislike somebody, better face the truth.
- Vic Corpuz... COWBOY. With the rhythm of the song, rhinestone cowboy. We managed to interview
him one day and this was his reply: just watch me walk and you'd know why.
- Ado Cruz... POPEYE. It was during one of those days when he had electricity for breakfats,
energy for lunch and magnetism for supper and Miss Olive Cervera prodding him to study more for
the Physics Quiz that the teasings started. Motto: credit now, pay later. He says: I like this
school because of its high standards maintained through the proper implementation of discipline.
For once, let's forget all the laboratory equipments and facilities although these things are
really important.
- Aris David... IBON. Formerly, he was called "censored" when the star "Yvonne" was banned in
the Philippine movies. He was called Yvonne until he finally became ibon. Why, in the first place,
he was called censored is already censored hahah. Motto: to fool and be fooled. He says: it is
nice to appreciate the things money can buy, but it is also wise to check up once in a while on
the things money cannot buy.
- Omar Garbo... EGOY (Negro). He's a typical tall, handsome(?) and dark boy, with an emphasis
on the latter.
- Chito Gozar... KALAMANSI. His chinky eyes make his face look like sour like the calamansi.
Motto: so what? He says: well-ah... high school means together ness.
- Romeo Macas... ATOY CHONG. He was first called monkey then a loosenut added Atoy Co. Tsonggo
forming Atoy Chong. He says: it is nice stuying here... yeahba!
- Paeng Martin... KNICK KNACK. If you ever have seen the movie "The Man with the Golden Gun",
he is the same size as the man he was named after. Motto: slow but sure. He says: this is a very
critical period in our school's history. It is my ardent wish that our school will still be
improved for there is so much room for improvement.
- Willy Martinez... BUROG. The Pimple Man Got it! He says: I am glad high school days are over.
Sleepless nights are over. My pimples will soon be gone. Motto: hunger is good, if it makes you
work to satisfy it!
- Rico Pagulayan... BANGKAY. His two classmates Jorge and Willy started it all. They say it's
all in the looks. Is he really like one? Motto: relax don't panic. He says: even if this school
lacks the proper facilities, I am still proud of it. One of the many things it can boast is it's
well-programmed activities. Quezon City Science High school deserves its name.
- Joey Peņa... VOCS. Poor kid, he's sufferring from the occupation of his father, who happened
to be a volcanologist.
- Jaime Rebultan... BALUT. We were in first year when Dindo turned into a ravaged killer and
strangled him. His face turned bloody red and Enrico Pia, upon seeing him called him "itlog na
maalat" which later became balut. Satisfied?. Motto: in everything the middle course is the best,
all things in excess bring trouble to man. He says: I would like to use this opportunity to thank
some special persons. First of all, I would like to thank Mr. Monis for my sickness, always being
late, was at last cured. Then to Mrs. Justiniani who trained me to be careful with my ID card. I
will never forget you.
- Jonathan Reyes... ILONG. He was called such because of his noticeable high thin nose. Motto:
man lived not to destroy but to build, I lived because I would build.
- Kennedy Salcedo... BUROG. It is not that he loves pimples, pimples love him. Motto: there is
no life to compare with pure imagination. Career choice: I like simple careers, that is why I
chose medicine.
- Luz Albao... PAA. 12 inches, that's how they put the size of her high schools "partner's feet".
She says: high school life is really a great thing. Heaven ako doon.
- Susan Barbosa... BATO. The school's batonic woman. Motto: he who reigns within himself
and rules passion, desires, and fears is more than a king.
- Cecille Bautista... CHENG WA. During their practice for CAT competitions, the boys
started teasing her Cheng Wa. This is because she has some features of a Chinese girl like her
fair complexion and her almond eyes. Motto: people were given brains for them to use it.
- Helen Bautista... JAROG (Commander). If you still don't know it, she's the sister of the
corps commander when QCSHS first became the CAT National Champion. Since she exhibits the same
stride as her brother, They called her Jarog, her brother's nickname. She says: you will never
know the real class 77 by their achievements nor actions while they were still in this school.
By their fruits, you shall know them.
- Agnes Brazal... BIG BOSS. She's the prime mover of all these. She was always there to nag the
lazybones of the staff! And what's more, she's not that BIG as you might be thinking. Motto:
everyone is, in a small way, the image of God. She says: to get into the best society nowadays,
one has either to feed people, amuse people, or shock people. Which way do you like?
- Dolores Briņez... MA'AM. She is fond of teasing others and finally somebody got sore. He
called her Ma'am because according to him, she looks like Mrs Cabrido. So thats it. Motto:
simplicity is beauty. She says: to the graduates of class 77, time 30 years from now,
monologue... haven't we met? You may not recognize the face. but once you hear a joke or two,
you'd recall me and I'd know you.
- Ophelia Caday... BANANA BABY. Her father was the veterinarian once of the Manila Zoo. So her
first year classmates started teasing her father a gorilla and they called her Jane and all others
concerning monkeys. Motto: stay cool. She says: to the future students of QCSHS, study harder.
- Marietta Clavo... PAKO. She is not another love partner for Pako of Darwin IV. Incidentally,
Clavo, her surname, means nail in Spanish. Hence, she was called Pako. Motto: life is how you make
it. She says: to all that has been, thank you. To all that will be, yes...
- Marita Fabros... TURTLE. Lost in a fast-moving world, it takes her 7 years to laugh and
another seven years to lift her hand. Motto: Do not do unto others what you do not want others
to do unto you.
- Kriselda Galapon... LUBOG. With Romulo, a classmate once teased her and she snapped back, bog.
Romulo plus Bog and what do you have, lubog. She says: dearest alma mater, I dislike you. with love,
Kriselda. Motto: if you can't be a tree, be a shrub.
- Cynthia Pablo... APPEAL. Boys swarm around her. She says: it's a great feeling. This feeling of
mine as I reach this point in my life, it's simply unexpressible. whew! Motto: cut all your anxieties
and fears to God, for He cares for you...
- Imelda Pastor... BOOGIE. Eating polvoron couldn't have been so ordinary where it not for some
mishappenings. In the second year, she was eating one. Somebody gave a Joke and the polvoron all
flew out of her mouth. She soon was called "buga" or "boogie". Motto: don't take life seriously.
You'll never get out of it alive. She says: I am quite lucky to have been enrolled in this school.
It's magnificent. With it's high standards, honors and awards. It's really diffeent, greatly
different from the others. Excellent.
- Cristina Ranin...OH NO NO. In a choral recitation they had, she gave a very nice expression on
her line "Oh no, no"... oh no... Was that how it all came about? Motto: every second of your life,
live it to the fullest. You may not have a second chance. She says: to all graduates 77, adios!
I wish you all the luck in the world as you go out and meet your future and the world.
- Elinor Roman... ADIOS PATRIA PLATA. In her excitement, the first line of the Ultimo Adios of
Rizal, what she uttered was Adios Patria Plata instead of Adios Patria Adorada (Patria Plata was
an actress, right?). Motto: take life by the easy handle. She says: no comment. (gee, and she never
became controversial after that).
- Grace Valerio... NAM NAM. When she was in the second year, she used to bring sandwiches and
eat it in class. When Theodore Prestosa saw her, he uttered "Um, masarap". Eventually, it was
changed to Nam-Nam. Motto: be simple in any way. Do not do unto others what you want others do
unto you (is it really like that?). She says: my four years stay in this school has been fruitful.
I can never forget all my wonderful experiences in this train-like building.