EINSTEIN IV. Once more, the universal physical law, "Unlike poles attract each other" has proven its validity. For throught the newly implemented
heterogeneous grouping, crumbs and chips of Curie III and Darwin III, bits
and pieces of Edison III and Einstein III, all of varied characteristics and
interest, have been brought together to for the most tangled disentangled
class, or shall we say, the wackiest class of 1977? For a senior once
said. "The Curie room's like a library, the Darwin's a cabaret, the
Edison's a magical house and the Einstein's a Muntinlupa."
Hope you won't get her wrong! We, Einstein people are not the bully-bully types with lots of tattoes in our bodies. It is just that we are very fond
of doing "x-things", such as playing "siato" together (with Luz and Cheng-wa
as the heads), raiding the canteen and the comfort room together, doing our
assignments and quizes (???) together... etc... etc... etc... We are also
fond of story-telling --- longtales which last for hours and hours, as well
as tall tales which could beat the most exaggerated story in the world. All
of our actions have been placed in suspended animation with Joey and Bernard
around, our unofficial class photographer.
I guess our homeroom, being situated downstairs, seemingly encroaching the junior's territory and being separated from the other seniors, has somehow
helped in bring about the class' unity. We can't deny that we sometimes
felt left-out. But this feeling however, became an incentive for us to
prove that the former lowest section could be the best section in this new
method of grouping., What with the class salutatorian, Zone IV Chairman and
Best in Chemistry (Annie), President of the Sciath Society and Mathematician
of the Year (Omar), the best in Physics and Sportswriter of the Year (Ado),
best actor (Chito), the most courteous boy (Aris), the most industrious girl
(Sanny), the most punctual boy (Bong), all coming from our class. We also
have Kennedy, our Van Cliburn, who can turn on every woman with his
skillfulness in playing the piano, as well as Efren and Marlon with their
golden voices. Who can ignore Willie, best hell cyclist of all the Seniors?
Yes, in war and in peace, in success and failures, we held on together to the fulfillment of our unspoken dream. Just for it, though we may have been different from one another (disentangled as we call it), we became united (tangled). Whether we have reached our goal or not is a question only you can answer.