- Moises Aleta... MOIST (Basa). Moises shortened to Moise became moist... What a metamorphic
- Noel Dacuycuy... PISO. The class Jose Rizal. The Peso Man. If he doesn't look like Rizal,
he was certainly like him during our Noli Me Tangere play.
- Dindo Daranciang... TAMARAW. It is not that he is a native of Mindoro, it is just that his
favorite expression was "Tama raw!". He says: "Loving God is a privilege as well as a duty and
a right. Let us all learn how to, for loving Him is a difficult art".
- Mulong De Jesus... LUBOG. For further information, turn to Einstein IV. Motto: doubt if you
will but never yourself.
- Kinjo Estioko... KULOT. For all the obvious reasons. He's the man with that kinky crown. Motto:
weaknesses make me stand out right.He says: life is like a wheel. Sometimes you're up and sometimes
down. Others pull you up and others may pull you down or maybe you are who you are because of
yourself. QCSHS is a world itself. This is life at sciencia.
- Ariel Leonardo... GERMAN. You need an interpreter when he speaks and be sure the interpreter
knows German (or Martian). His tongue seems out of this world. He says: QCSHS graduates 77, they
were everything you would expect a studentry (or he would say studentiee haha) to be.
- Jose Llorca... TATLO. Was it a case of a desperate suitor? Could it be that he added three
points to the score of a quiz of a girl classmate with no reason at all? He says: hi! remember me?
I'm the nice kid who picked up all those bits and pieces I have scattered all over... I left the
place clean. He is now a priest.
- Mike Marqueda... ENCHONG. Don't judge a book by its cover. Everyone has his weakness. Motto:
three things constitute success: fortune, knowledge, and prayer. But chinks behind these will turn
you down (or cause failure).
- Edgar Moran... MANOK. Bakit pumoplok-plok? Kasi tunay na manok! Nakikita pa nga ang tuka eh...
ay ilong pala.
- Enrico Pia... HOPIA. His surname is really a popular one. It's seen in many commercial products
like PIAno, tilaPIA, and PIAnono.
- Francisco Pico... SAPAK. Sapak ang apak sa Pico plorwaks!
- Teddy Prestosa... HARIMANOK. Kung gumiri parang tandang. Motto: service. He says: laugh and the
world laughs with you. Cry and you cry alone.
- Manny Rapadas... BATO. Have you ever seen a monument walking inside the school campus? Ask him
about it and he'll surely answer you with a smile.
- Edgar Templonuevo... BIG FOOT (or PAA). He is not an invader from outer space or a mythical
monster. He is for real. So out of his 12 inch long feet, he says PAAlam, PAAlam, sintang PAAralan.
- Roland Ubando... MUKHA. From the word, mocca, his favorite ice cream flavor. He's a man with a
thousand faces. Motto: be yourself, don't be a hypocrite.
- Ferdie Vero... HANGIN. Why mahangin? Mahangin kasi eh. He says: Sciencia, you've made a man out of
me. Farewell and thank you.
- Jocelyn Agato... STONE WOMAN. If they have a bionic woman, we have a stone woman. How did she
get the name? It's because of the vibrations she creates when she walks...thump...thump...
- Maan Baldovino... NANA. Mary Anne's male counterpart is Mariano. Thus Mariano can be called
Nano. She says: Quezon City Science High School, they call it school. We call it home. Motto: a
pleasant possession is useless without a companion.
- Mitos Barba... BLENDA. She was caught talking to a guy nicknamed Francis during their health
class so she was named after the TV ad 'Sa Blenda ang sarap...' She says: Please, please remember
me. I am one of the nicest girls in the campus (naks).
- Bernadette Cabrido... BERNARDO CARPIO. She was a sophomore when a teacher got angry with her
and accidentally mispronounced her name Bernardo Carpio. And that was the start of it all.
- Marissa Esteller... TAKANG. Because of her height, she loves wearing high heeled shoes. She
was nicknamed Takang, the feminine gender of takong. She says: we have reached an end rather a
beginning. I'm afraid to take my step. But you're the memories that will give me the courage to
do so. Motto: hear much, speak little.
- Ruth Fregon... LADY HERMIT THE FROG. She was very fond of frogs when she was a sophomore, hence
she was called palaka or froggy. Froggy incidentally coincided with her surname, Fregon. Motto: as
I breath, I hope.
- Bernadette Gapusan... UNGGA, UNGGA. Her temper is like that of a monkey. She's timid when she
doesn't know you but noisy, gay, and cheerful when you're acquainted. She says: celebrate, for there
is much to. In the midst of defeats and failures, celebrate. For you can overcome them and you have
the ability and talent and courage too. Motto: it is nice to be important but it is more important
to be nice.
- Ofelia Marquez... BUGS BUNNY. It may not be so obvious for the seniors with extra scrutinizing
eyes, her Bugs Bunny teeth did not escape their notice. Motto: if you don't get up at a fixed time,
you will never carry out your plan in life. She says: formerly, I said, is this QCSHS? Now I say, this
- Florabelle Nace... EXORCIST. The exorcist was the in-thing during those days when she
accidentally smeared her face with ink. She says: all students have potentials for leadership but
few are given a chance. Motto: expect whatever you ask in God.
- Marilou Nario... AY AY. She is a very serious girl but when she's provoked to smile, she has
the sweetest. Plus an ever ready "Ay-ay"...
- Janet Orillosa... ASO. She always impersonate the world-famous dog in Sesame Street. It seems
dogs are here type. She says: you are great QCSHS, but I'm still the greatest. Motto: the only thing
we have to fear is fear itself.
- Resie Palines... BASA. Having a suitor is indeed a compliment as well as burden. Especially if
your pet name will be coined from him. Take the case of Pacifico. Motto: always start your day with
something good. She says: if you do not have much time to make acquaintances, you can never understand
the people of whom you complain. Having friends would make you aware of the things you had never been
aware of before. Remember, each individual's life is a world of its own. It has its own color and
- Susan Ramos... PLANTSA. Whenever she walks, she always drags her feet as if in the flat iron. As
a result, she was called plantsa. She says: when will we ever love being simple?
- Sylvia Sandoval... WINNIE. Like Sylvia, the real name of Winnie Santos, the child superstar, is
Winefreda. So the boys nicknamed her Winnnie, too much to her dislike. She says: in this age of xerox
copying, never be a xerox copy of your class (in some ways of course). Motto: it is through forgiving
others' faults that one would have peace within.
- Marissa Ticman... TIKYA. How about being the love partner of the school's Tikyo, in addition
to having Ticman as surname? Motto: if others can do it, I can do it. She says: I am very thankful
for the fellowship and hospitality extended to me in my four year stay at QCSHS. I did not miss a
bit of my KOROKAN friends.