- Chito Balayan... UNGGOY. An apeman in space age, not necessarily... just a modification
of some sort...
- Maximo Callangan... BATO. The sturdier he becomes, the harder he gets. You can't win all
men is his motto.
- Edwin Camiling... PENOY. His head's shape is like a penoy, isn't it? He said "high school
life is a great thing.. ito and tunay kong pagibig...."
- Romeo Ecraela... OKER. Mr. Romeo Ecraela or okre-ela, a name after undergoing
metamorphosis. Okre became oker, got it?
- Desz Fuerte... APAT. When he was in 2nd year, he was paired off with a senior student.
Thus termed apat meaning fourth year...
- Tonjet Herradura... BUKOL. To examine at no pay for damage, special bonus for anyone who
would cure the bukol in his feet...
- Roy Manglicmot... MUTLEY. He can perfectly animate the chuckle of mutley, the dog of
Dick Dastardly of the Wacky Races. It's a good thing he is not as dastardly as well.
- Elmo Martinez... BINO. This originated from the word coined by Roehl Calinisan, binorotsha.
That is what they do to a lechon according to the boys.
- Neill Mosqueda... PAKO. Nail is the homonym of the wrong pronounciation of his name Neill,
got it? He said, "abandon hope all ye who enter QCSHS" (joke only daw).
- Raul Ocampo... MALALA or laling. Si RAUL O. is not a registered patient at the mental
- Felix Pascua... PATO. Quack, quack goes the pasquack. Mandarin duck. He says much learning
do make us mad so take things seriously.
- Johnny Ramos... OTINA UJ. Funny how this word goes. Ever thought of otinauj is
the name juanito read backwards?
- Kiko Saligumba... LUWA. His eyes resemble that of an owl, big round and penetrating.
- Roehl Samia... SABER TOOTH TIGER. What with his very big teeth anyone could mistake his
face for a saber tooth tiger. He says: life at quezon city science wasn't bad at all,
only the realization came too late...hahah..
- George Silvino... BABALU. He was called such because of a reason you can easily notice
in case you see him in person.
- Melandro Singson... TAKONG or NCEE boy. Well, he was one of those who got 99+ in the NCEE
test and would you believe even after the test he was still reviewing for it? Who can beat
that? He said, "I have always observed that to succeed in this world, one should appear like
a fool but be wise". Now, a police chief in Laguna and still plays board one in chess.
- Gabriel Soriano... TOYO. He is the shy type but the moment he's tinoyo, he will turn you
upside down (para itaktak). He said, "man becomes what his friends are... i love studying in
this school because i mix with so called scholars hence i become a so called scholar".
- Grace Abad... PENAY. If there is penoy, there has to be penay.
- Rita Aurelio... IBA PUNDA. She's sexy like Alma Moreno in Eva Fonda and the boys added to her
famous expression "hahalikan kita" making it "Sige! Galit na ako! Hahalikan na kita." Motto: it is
not with whom you are born but it is with those whose company you grew up with. Now, a doctor of
women (OB-GYN) and was the doctor of Maan Baldovino-Maglaoy.
- Maricar Borja... KOTSE (Car). It just happened that the last syllable of her nick name,
Maricar is Car. Yak, Yak, Yak...
- Catherine Delmendo... KATHAY RINE. If only the Darwin boys butchered her, they would profit
a lot. Imagine the price of pork as P14.00 per kilo (1977 price) and her weight of 100 plus... phew!
- Chinky Estrada... KABAYO. She does not a bit look like one but wait till she utters her
favorite expression, "Sisipain kita diyan eh!" and you'd know why she's called such.
- Fenina Eustaquio... COMMUNIST TERRORIST. It has nothing to do with the real thing, but if you'd see
her, you'll know what we mean.
- Athena Gorospe... CONCHANG PIKIT. We don't know whether it is voluntary or involuntary action
but she loves to wink. Motto: the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. She is now a
professor of theology and divinity at the Asian Theological Seminary. (a note from Ezra: she was my
professor second semester 1998-99. Kaya ata ako nagkasakit, sa dami ng requirements... ma'am biro lang po).
- Lily Jumaquio... DOLL. A living doll. Look at her nose, isn't it cute? Nice as the dolls except
that it has two holes in it. hahah.
- Marissa Mendoza... TSE TSE. Once there was a little mole, the biggest little mole that I've ever
did see... and the mole was beside the nose of Esper. Whether it is a mole or a fly is unrecognizable
till you see her in close up. (a note: in the May reunion, she said and showed us the mole isn't there
anymore. Why Marissa? Those are the trademarks of supermodels nowadays).
- Sheilah Montaņa... Her colleagues had secretly voted her as the most frequent visitor of the
canteen. Motto: never quit (until the canteen runs out of food).
- Fritzi Pascual... SHRINKING VIOLET. Ever heard of that name in the cartoons? As for Fritzi,
she never shrinks to a smaller size. No more room for shrinking...
- Rita Ramos... PRINSESSA. She might have been living in a world of fairy tale romance... and
princesses were her whims.
- Marvi Rebueno... BROOM BROOM WIZ. There goes the motorcycle. Why she's called that is just a
figment of someone's imagination.
- Lourdes Sadiua... EPANG (or BATMAN). Why she was called such, we don't know (not... Manny Rapadas
knows and you have to ask him if you meet him). In case at night you meet a bat, ask! So ask Bat(o).
- Agnes Valdez... BAWANG. Once in a play, she exclaimed "Que Barbaridad". Since at that time, the
movie 'Patayin mo sa Sindak si Barbara' was showing, she was called Barbara. Then nicknamed Barang
which for easier purposes became 'Bawang'.