- Alfred Bunao... TUSINO. He became one because of the boyish pranks of the boys
during their lunch. He, according to them, smells like tusino. He took up Medicine and is
probably practicing it somewhere.
- Rhoel Calinisan... UFO. In the first year, he once was rocking the chair and playing
with it. His classmates saw this and called him UFO after the famous TV
series with the same title. At present after working with several mines as
a geologist, he left the profession after being assigned to a rebel infested
area and now is a roofing contractor... maybe still watching the skies from
time to time.
- Melchor Carandang... MANOK. He always has fried chicken for lunch.. now based
in Indonesia and connected with a ceramic factory. His brother Arthur is a
lawyer and married to the younger sister of Willy Martinez, Lorelie.
- Ruben Cuevas... BUNGO. In 1973, he looks like a skull that's why he was called patay or BUNGO.
And when he calls Enrico Pia as Piatot, Rico often answers back with tabatsoy. Last time
we heard of him, he was in the computer industry.
- Makar Josef DelaCruz... TOTO. Toto to many. He's like an oversized bepimpled baby boy. Kinjo
keeps calling their house whenever there is a reunion but the parents always keep him under
the wraps. Kinjo wonders why.
- Edwin Fabrigar... BABOY. It sems it started in 1973 because of his big stomach
he was named baboy. His motto: you must learn to conserve time or time will kill you.
- Amando John Jimenez... IYAKIN or Cry Baby. It was Christmas 1973, the year when
the BSP golden jubilee was held in Mt Makiling when the weather was not so fine and the
camping site was filled with mud. The year when mama's boy was away from his mama...
iyak... Johnny Ramos beeped him several times for the May 22 reunion but did not respond.
- Andre Lapus... JABBAR. Asking for a tall boy? Call Andre and he'd come for he is
the exact opposite. now connected with Pagcor as an executive... community
relations... not anymore a small boy but a hunk of a man maybe 5'6" in height... still with
that smiling face...His motto "kung desperado, magpatuka sa ahas".... now lives in Parañaque.
- Jose Luis Llorando... BUDDING. Motto: you can be happy if you can teach love and learn. During
our bilogy classses, he was often the recipient of jokes stating that he practices asexual
reproduction because of a wart in his right ear thus called "Budding" and not Doña Buding since he's
exactly the opposite in weight.
- Noel Meneses... KAMBING or mimay. menesess.. menesesss... uttered successively and with an emphasis...
and you'd be pronouncing that of how a goat sounds mehhhnehhhsesss... got it?. Now in America.
Only his brother stays here in the Philipppines... still looking for greener pastures so to
speak hahah...
- Florante Solomon...POSTE. His height makes him look like a walking linesman (that is why
he is the 'tandez ng pulutong')... now an executive of Citibank... way to the top hahhah
- Marissa Abad... HANGIN. The wind blows where it goes from Edison to Curie.
The wind went I wonder why? Can you guys figure why she was called hangin?
- Eleanor Barnum... PUSA. They had been calling her pusa since 1st year because
whenever their barkada talked to each other, she always talks of cats...
- Maximina Calisterio... BATO. She may be rocky outside but not inside, of course.
- Carmencita Calpo... CHITA. This was her pet name since elementary. Her tukso
came from her name Cita.
- Debbie Cruz... PAKO. Two people who goes together most of the time soon
become alike in many aspects. Do you still remember why Debbie who always
goes with Neill soon became nail herself? Or shall we say he nailed her.
- Linabelle Cruz... ALI. That's because of her heavy weight or blabbermouth?
- Lilybeth Deapera... MALIK. Motto: if you can't fight 'em, lick 'em.... Now a diplomat
in London... Called malik because... do you remember the TV series malik mata? Lilibeth is just
a mere imagination.
- Daisy Encarnacion...PAL stewardess... Bituing marikit... the twinkle in her eyes match
that of the stars...MOTTO: better cheat than get zero (biro lang daw)... live and let love...
- Imelda Evangelista... ASA or the female aso. She was paired with the aso of Einstein IV,
that's why!
- Ana Marie Fondevilla... BISAYA. You can really call it tukso but call it as you
want to call it. Her classmates would tease her bisaya because of her mispronounciation of
certain words. Well, satisfied?
- Lourdes Fuerte... LIGHT. What do you usually find at the end of the post? A light!
They were not given identical names. He was the post, sturdy and strong. She was the light,
his inspiration...
- Belen Furigay... kalembang ding dong chimes the belle.
- Millet Gomez... TSIK. Shes not a chick rather intsik...
- Mari-Ann Mangaser... BINA. Because of a counterpart bino in Darwin IV, she was
called bina...
- Bobbie Mortel... TETRACELLI. Tetra is a word for four, curie four and
darwin four plus her favorite series, Petrocelli equals tetracelli. Sounds
confusing? It is. Motto: it's better to light just one...
- Cynthia Nograles... BINA. Another one. She had a beautiful relationship with a boy named
bino. With the beautiful, we only meant friendship.
- May Pacis... CURLY TOPS. Aside from her love of curly tops chocolate and her partner, a KULOT,
she too had a mop of black curly hair. Motto: heaven and earth shall pass away but never
God's word.
- Emily Ramos... BANGKAY. No! She's not so skinny nor does she smell like one. It is just
she's being paired with bangkay (ilong) of Einstein IV.
- Marlene Sumabat... BABA. Her pointed chin becomes more emphasized when she smiles. And she wasn't paired
with another baba in Darwin IV.
- Bong Tapang... WHITE CASTLE. Like a drunkard person, she's out of her mind usually... hik...
Motto: life is full of joy and sorrow try to accept it with an open heart. Bino call her now
Doña Victoria... heheh
- Lucille Villa... TAPIA. Doesn't she resemble one of the most popular tv and comics
characters? Miss Tapia in Baltic and Co. Is that comic strip still running daily?